
A Nomad & Her Intuition

A Nomad & Her Inuition Finding Direction Through Intuition I was recently asked at my women’s book club: “Tell me in what direction your intuition is pointing me to?” This question made me realize how much easier it is for me to answer that than to pinpoint where I am from. Here’s why. The Birth … Read more

Curiosity and Change

Curiosity and Change Those who know me understand that there are 5 Cs I try to live my life by. Whenever possible, I actively promote them in my work, especially during workshops and presentations. They are: Curiosity Creativity Critical Thinking Compassion Community Embracing Curiosity Perhaps it was my upbringing as an international development and United … Read more

Learn from Top Food Experts for FREE

Learn from Top Food Experts for FREE Are you confused by the word ”healthy” in the food space and don’t always know if you are eating the most nutritious option when given a choice? For those of you who know me, you have heard me say that when confused try to keep it simple: If … Read more

🌿 Unlock the Benefits of Alkaline Foods! 🌿

Are you ready to boost your health and vitality? Embrace the power of alkaline foods! These nutrient-rich choices promote alkalinity in your body, maintaining optimal pH levels and supporting overall well-being. Let’s explore seven alkaline foods to invigorate your diet: Leafy Greens:Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard … Read more

Building Mindful Connections through Real Food

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find the time and energy to connect with our loved ones. However, one area that offers a unique opportunity for bonding and creating lasting memories is the kitchen. By embracing real food and making healthy home cooking a fun family project, we can empower children and … Read more

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Florencia Zulberti
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