
A Nomad & Her Inuition

Finding Direction Through Intuition

I was recently asked at my women’s book club: “Tell me in what direction your intuition is pointing me to?” This question made me realize how much easier it is for me to answer that than to pinpoint where I am from. Here’s why.

The Birth of Our Book Club

First, let me tell you how our women’s book club started and why. My dear friend, Michelle Wallon, kicked off 2024 by inviting friends to join a book club focused on “Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Ph.D. About a dozen friends agreed, and we met for the first time on February 13th, 2024.

An Introduction to Our Meetings

As we introduced ourselves, I admitted that I had owned the book since 2004 but had never made it past the Introduction, “Singing Over the Bones.” Our book club’s objective is to meet monthly to discuss one chapter. Initially, some members suggested reading more chapters between sessions, given the book’s 16 chapters and the extended timeline. However, the host insisted on one chapter per session to thoroughly unpack each one, and she was right. The book is profound and requires careful, deliberate reading.

Delving Into Chapter 3: Intuition as Initiation

Take this month for instance, we meet to discuss chapter 3 entitled “Nosing Out the Facts: The Retrieval of Intuition as Initiation”, which told the story of Vaselisa the Wise and the Doll in her Pocket in great detail. It then proceeded to break down the meaning behind the 9 tasks that Vaselisa had to overcome in the story. While reading it I scribbled notes with my pencil, highlighted in yellow passages I want to remember and highlighted in hot pick a few key words that screamed at me to “listen” because they shook me to the core. So my process of reading is slow and tedious but I find that I am internalizing more the many lessons shared in this book and, in this particular chapter, I found myself reflecting a lot about how much and how often do I actually listen to and act upon my own intuition.

Our Session Routine

Our sessions begin with a 30-minute aperitivo where we each bring something to eat or drink. We then settle into comfortable positions on the sofa, air chairs, or floor cushions to meditate for seven minutes. Afterward, we answer an open-ended question related to the chapter and write in silence for ten minutes without lifting our pens. Here’s what I wrote, giving you a glimpse into why I describe myself as a “nomad on a mission.”

Embracing My Nomadic Spirit

When people ask me where I’m from, I find it hard to provide a one-word answer. My journey has been shaped by various countries and cultures, making it difficult to pin down a single place of origin. Ever since I was a little girl, my intuition has “spoken” to me about the importance of creating and contributing to a sense of tribe. I’ve always felt a deep-seated desire to give to others, to share, and in a way, to help others become better, happier, healthier versions of themselves. I want people to feel grateful for having crossed paths with me.

Growing up in developing countries, whether in Latin America or Africa, I became acutely aware of how privileged I was to have a home, running water, electricity, food, and a high quality education. I realized that many people who have these things often take them for granted or get lost in consumerism, feeling unfulfilled and perhaps even empty inside. They may question the point of life or living, but for me, that was the easiest question to answer: to make the world a bit better, and to laugh often and much.

At university, I discovered a poem written by Ralph Waldo Emerson called Success and it was as if it had been written for me. In just a few words, he was able to capture my sense of purpose and the meaning of what I am meant to do in this life. The poem resonated deeply with my values and my mission. Emerson wrote about the importance of contributing to the common good, of making even the smallest difference in the world, whether through a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived… This is to have succeeded!

These words perfectly describe my intuition and my commitment to thinking of the “whole” rather than just focus on the individual pieces that often make you lose sight of the bigger puzzle (picture). I believe that every problem has a solution and that we must each contribute our little grain of sand to the common good. This philosophy has guided me throughout my life, shaping my actions and decisions as I strive to make a positive impact on the world.

Conclusion: A Nomad on a Mission

So, there you have it! This is why I describe myself as a “nomad on a mission.” My journey has taken me across various lands and cultures, but my purpose remains the same: to create, share, contribute, and help others find joy and fulfillment. Through my experiences, I hope to leave the world a little better than I found it, one step at a time, or as I say in my talks and presentations, one bite at a time.

Emerson’s Poem: Success

I leave you with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem “Success,” which I hope will inspire you to reflect on your own intuition and mission in life.


To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To give of one’s self;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and
sung with exultation;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived –
This is to have succeeded.

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Florencia Zulberti
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